The System is ARMER.. The Sites are all the tower in the system.. The Site Frequencies are the Control Freq's, Alternate Control Freq's, and Voice Freq's.. Talkgroup ID's (TGID's) are the indiviadual channels for a site..
For St Paul Fire: Use ARMER Site #2-003 (Ramsey County).. There are no Control or Alternate Control frequencies.. So you have to enter the Voice Frequencies into the scanner.. Then you go down, almost to the bottom of the ARMER page.. and find "Ramsey County - Saint Paul Talkgroups".. Then enter the TGID's into your scanner.. And your ready to go..
For Minneapolis Fire: Use ARMER Site #1-009 (Minneapolis N - S Simulcast).. There are also no Control or Alternate Control frequencies.. So once again you have to enter the Voice Frequencies into the scanner.. Then go down, about half way, to "Minneapolis - Fire Talkgroups".. Enter your TGID's and your ready to go..
Simulcast refers to the process of transmitting the same signal from multiple sites on the same frequency at the same time.. See
Simulcast - The RadioReference Wiki for more..
Good Luck!