My area LE have been with the MPSCS for a few years now and still have issues with reliability in being heard, especially when it comes to portable traffic, despite having installed two additional towers in the County at considerable expense to the local Governments.
I find it amusing that my local agency thought the system was better than sliced bread when a MSP tech and Motorola sales staff took them around with a portable testing all the area’s chronic dead spots and everything seemed to be perfect. Of course there was no mention that the portable was bouncing off a repeater in the MSP unit and wasn’t really reaching the closest tower nearly 15 miles away on its own.
Of course once the expensive switchover was made the officers had problems and were told that you may have to stand next to a window to be heard! Comforting thoughts when you are trying to fight with a suspect who is trying to take your firearm away. A few safety grievances filed and the officers needing to carry a second portable tied to the old system kept them from getting hurt.
I guess I am wondering the thoughts from other members familiar with this system and its strengths and weaknesses, is the system worth the costs? Clearly, the system was never intended to be used in an extreme urban environment where heavy portable traffic is necessary, so why was it pushed on these agencies, because once they sink the huge sums of money into the system they cannot afford to drop it.
I find it amusing that my local agency thought the system was better than sliced bread when a MSP tech and Motorola sales staff took them around with a portable testing all the area’s chronic dead spots and everything seemed to be perfect. Of course there was no mention that the portable was bouncing off a repeater in the MSP unit and wasn’t really reaching the closest tower nearly 15 miles away on its own.
Of course once the expensive switchover was made the officers had problems and were told that you may have to stand next to a window to be heard! Comforting thoughts when you are trying to fight with a suspect who is trying to take your firearm away. A few safety grievances filed and the officers needing to carry a second portable tied to the old system kept them from getting hurt.
I guess I am wondering the thoughts from other members familiar with this system and its strengths and weaknesses, is the system worth the costs? Clearly, the system was never intended to be used in an extreme urban environment where heavy portable traffic is necessary, so why was it pushed on these agencies, because once they sink the huge sums of money into the system they cannot afford to drop it.