They operate primary on FiRST now. Not sure when but it was sometime this year.In Frederick County, the state police operate on the Frederick County system.
Switched to first 4 weeks ago but can be heard on bothIn Frederick County, the state police operate on the Frederick County system. The FIRST system added some subsites in Carroll County to create a simulcast site, but I'm not sure if that allowed the state police to move operations to FIRST. I would monitor both systems.
You guys are too funny. I look at my Unitrunker which runs on the Carroll System and all I see
the barrack dispatchers transmitting on 95% of the time is the same old portable ID I've seen
since the day I walked out the door.......LOL!!!!! I can only hope its been upgraded from the model it was on
when I left.....but I highly doubt it....... It is and always has been on the Carroll System Primary.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!!! That Carroll System is like a Baby to me..... Me & Tom M that is!
Neg....Motorola Retiree.Tom Miller?