Unfortunantly I think its all gone. After I started thinking about things a bit thats where I looked, but all the EDACS9XX.gid files are a limitied variation of this theme:
*Address, Listen, Lockout, Color, "Label", First, Last, Rank, Hits, "Notes"
Some of the files have a few lines of information under them, but I think that its just stuff that got logged after I installed 14 and checked to make sure it was working.
Oh well, next time I'll make sure I have a copy safe somewhere else before I try anything I'm not sure about. As I mentioned before, I have a very complete and accurate Talk Group list, but the .RID files will be missed.
I often watch TV while sitting next to the computer, and while whatever show I'm watching is on commercial break I try and match unit numbers with radios. On this particular system, the highway patrol is my favorite target, and all officers have assigned vehicles and radios that they take home everyday. Some of the other users don't have assigned equipment, but I like to at least try to narrow down the main job of the radio's user-its kind of fun to see where these people pop up on other TGs. All of this work on IDing radios is just a general distraction from the millions of commercials for erectile disfunction, feminine hygene products, and TD AmeriTrade commercials that make me want to poke out my eyes!:lol: