Multiple sites on one node, high number of duplicates


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2003
Springfield, MO
Another node provider in my area has multiple sites under one node. It's causing my node to have duplicates and my calls are rarely shown under each talk group.
I started monitoring my node for quality, in addition to a playlist with the talk groups from the site that I monitor. I notice that a good majority of the calls come from the other node. There is no skew issue, as my skew is less than 3.. usually less than 1.

I know the node in question monitors multiple sites because the talk groups that I want to broadcast are not allowed on the site that the other node offers. UniTrunker and SDRTrunk show the rejected RIDs trying to affiliate with the talk groups on that site and visa versa.

My node 3422 - MOSWIN Springfield 700.
The talk groups are: 20105, 20107, 20109

The other node is 2297 - MOSWIN Greene County Simulcast 800.

I understand that it takes time for things to work... uptime, skew.. etc taken into consideration...

How do I go about fixing this issue?


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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
I'm not sure what the issue is. The system has voted and chosen the other node for those talkgroups. Yours is functioning as a backup and if that other node goes down yours will take over. Only one node can provide a talkgroup at a time. It sounds to me like the system is working as intended.

The whole point of the Broadcastify Calls system is to have numerous nodes that overlap so nodes can take over when other nodes go down. You shouldn't take offense that your node isn't the "chosen one" right now. Nodes come and go all the time.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 28, 2003
Springfield, MO
I'm not sure what the issue is. The system has voted and chosen the other node for those talkgroups. Yours is functioning as a backup and if that other node goes down yours will take over. Only one node can provide a talkgroup at a time. It sounds to me like the system is working as intended.

The whole point of the Broadcastify Calls system is to have numerous nodes that overlap so nodes can take over when other nodes go down. You shouldn't take offense that your node isn't the "chosen one" right now. Nodes come and go all the time.
The talkgroups aren't the issue. Is it okay to feed 2 separate sites into one node?

MSHP Troop D talkgroups are ONLY on Springfield 700, not Greene Co 800. The other node provides MSHP talkgroups. Meaning the other node is feeding 2 sites, Springfield 700 and Greene Co 800, to the node. MSHP Troop D is not allowed on Greene Co 800, unless for mutual aid on interop talkgroups.

Is this allowed? I'd be happy to start feeding Greene Co 800 talkgroups that the other node doesn't provide and serve as a backup to other talkgroups.