My HORROR story with Uniden Customer Service/Repair

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Sep 10, 2005
I recently had a problem occur with my Uniden BC246T where the squelch would constantly be on, from the second the scanner was powered on, even during and after radio transmissions. The squelch knob would be turned all the way to the right, and it would not make any difference. I brought the unit to the communications store where it was purchased (and for those of you in the Hartford, CT area, you know which store I'm referring to, extremely reputable and well known.), to see if they can figure out the problem. They took a look at the unit (the problem was still occuring at their store), tried to reset the unit, but to no avail. As the unit is still under warranty (purchased 9/10/05), they suggested the unit be returned to Uniden for repair. They even shipped the unit for me. This was on 5/23/06.

After not hearing anything for a few weeks, I decided to call Uniden directly to get a status on Tuesday. BIG MISTAKE. After being on hold for 40 minutes the first try, I gave up, as it was eating up all my peak cellular minutes. Wednesday, I try again hoping for better results. After 15 minutes, a CSR picks up and tells me the unit was received, and in the process of being repaired, and an estimated shipping date of 6/16/06. He gave me an order number to refer to when calling back. So today on a whim, I try calling again for a better status. Hold time: 37 minutes before the CSR picks up. After looking at my order, she says my scanner was shipped yesterday. I inquire to what the problem was, and she tells me the repair department "couldn't find a problem, the unit meets factory specifications." My jaw drops at this point. There clearly is a problem with the unit, that I and the repair department at the store I purchased the scanner from can see clear as day. She says that she can send me a prepaid label so I don't have to pay shipping again if the unit is still broken when I get it back. I tell her that IT IS still broken if her repair department didn't do anything to repair it. She then suggests I speak to her supervisor. I say ok, thinking she's going to directly transfer me. BIG MISTAKE AGAIN. She throws me into the call queue, and it's another 20 minutes of waiting before my cell phone battery dies. At this point I'm furious with the so-called Uniden Customer Service.

I calm myself down, and run some errands. I try calling just a few minutes ago. BIG MISTAKE #3. After a hold time of 22 minutes, a CSR picks up, I explain what happened earlier, and says he can't explain the repair process to me, and says I need to hold for repair. Now granted, the prompts when you call their 800 number direct you to choose 3 for scanners, and 2 for repairs. Isn't this where I should be already???? More waiting, this time 25 more minutes, for a grand total of 47 this session. A supposed repair CSR picks up, I AGAIN explain the situation, and she says I need to talk to a supervisor named Lanastasia. I ask if it's going to be another long waiting period, she says no, and transfers me. One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings, AND VOICEMAIL PICKS UP!!!!!! I have steam coming from my ears at this point after this previous CSR assured me I'd speak to a live human being. So, I leave a voicemail requesting a return call, and hang up.

Bottom line: I'm NEVER buying another Uniden product again if this is the way their customer service and repair department operates.

I'm still waiting for my return call to get my scanner issue resolved.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Trinity,North Carolina
My experiance with them is that if it's under warrenty they really don't have to tell you what they found (sounds unhuman) but the rig came back to me fixed. Hopefully the repaired it and it will show up working. Good Luck


Feb 9, 2001
Greenville, SC
Like yourself, I buy local. If I dont get any satisfaction from my source, I just shoot their windows out. Beats all that time on the phone.


Mar 2, 2004
Chicago / 016
I'd say it's a little early to be upset. Wait till you get the radio back, determine state of repair and go from there.


Canadian DB Admin
Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
Thanks for "exposing the scab" about Uniden Customer Service.

After reading your post , I empathize with your feelings.


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
Theres no point in making telephone calls. This is a big corporation and you aren't going to speak to the person that actually examines the radio PERIOD. As someone suggested, the website route is the best way to go. Also what the technician types in the repair comments may be a stretch of the imagination so how can you expect a CSR who just answers phones to know anything other than what is typed in the notes section? Demanding to speak to supervisors generally doesn't get you anywhere but a guaranteed back of the line in the call queue. The supervisors are generally going to be sympathetic to their staff and aren't really concerned with the fact that you haven't had your toy in several weeks.
As the other guy suggested, you are probably upset over nothing. I've sent two items to Uniden repair over the years (one was not a scanner) and they've always come back working normally with little information given on the invoice.


Aug 23, 2004
I doubt the Technician even typed the explanation.

It was probably a macro. When I was a depot service Tech., I wrote alot on my tickets.
This was frowned by Management. Because, it took time away from making them money.

I worked at NEC at one time. Oh, the irony of explaining to depot visitors that the "red" tickets meant the devices were "red hot and ready to go" to the customer. In reality, "red" tickets meant the boards were junk.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I have to agree that I wouldn't expect any in-depth technical detail on what happened. I sent my 396 in to get the face replaced, and included a written request to have them look at the earphone jack, which was providing scratchy audio. It took longer than others have said for me to get it back, but it works now and looks fine. For all I know, they peeled the serial number sticker off mine and put it on a new one. The sheet that came with it gave two part numbers that were replaced, and for all I know, one part number could be "everything outside the case" and the other be "everything inside the case". Do I care? Not really.

As for never buying another Uniden scanner because you couldn't find out what exactly was repaired, besides the fact it's working now... I can't say that would happen with me. In fact, my experience with scanners goes like this.

I have owned a BC235, 2 BC245s, a BC780, a BC796, a BC250D, and a BCD396. Only the 396 has ever had to go to the manufacturer/service for repair.

I have also owned a PRO-44, 2 PRO-43s, a PRO-2050, and a PRO-60. The first PRO-43 replaced the PRO-44 when it died (squelch broken). The 43 was in the shop 6 or 7 times, and the third time the second PRO-43 went in, I gave up. The PRO-60 has also fallen victim to the same problem as the 44 and the second 43 - squelch failure.

Which brand would you never buy again?
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Sep 10, 2005
Jay said:
I have to agree that I wouldn't expect any in-depth technical detail on what happened. I sent my 396 in to get the face replaced, and included a written request to have them look at the earphone jack, which was providing scratchy audio. It took longer than others have said for me to get it back, but it works now and looks fine. For all I know, they peeled the serial number sticker off mine and put it on a new one. The sheet that came with it gave two part numbers that were replaced, and for all I know, one part number could be "everything outside the case" and the other be "everything inside the case". Do I care? Not really.

As for never buying another Uniden scanner because you couldn't find out what exactly was repaired, besides the fact it's working now... I can't say that would happen with me. In fact, my experience with scanners goes like this.

I have owned a BC235, 2 BC245s, a BC780, a BC796, a BC250D, and a BCD396. Only the 396 has ever had to go to the manufacturer/service for repair.

I have also owned a PRO-44, 2 PRO-43s, a PRO-2050, and a PRO-60. The first PRO-43 replaced the PRO-44 when it died (squelch broken). The 43 was in the shop 6 or 7 times, and the third time the second PRO-43 went in, I gave up. The PRO-60 has also fallen victim to the same problem as the 44 and the second 43 - squelch failure.

Which brand would you never buy again?

You're right when you say that I jumped the gun a bit when saying I'd never buy another Uniden product again. I would. I was just upset and venting when writing my original post.

Here's what happened in a nutshell. My BC246T that was sent in for repair was mis-diagnosed, and they weren't able to find a problem, and it was subsequently shipped back. In the mean time, our good friend UPMAN stepped in and I got a call from the repair supervisor, and she was really nice. She was able to stop my original scanner from being delivered, and sent me out a replacement via Fed-Ex. I received it today, and just finished programming it. It's working perfectly.

I have to say thank you to the UPMAN, and the repair supervisor. They took the time to look into the situation and get it rectified. I guess there really is still some good customer service remaining out there, where they actually care about the customer.

While at Lentini's, they had the BCD996T on display. Man, does that look like a fine piece of machinery. I think that is the next scanner in my crosshairs.


Sep 10, 2005
I would have liked to edited the thread title to show that everything ended well, but the edit option is no longer there. I'd hate to not have someone buy a Uniden product just from them seeing the thread title.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
LedZeppelin said:
I would have liked to edited the thread title to show that everything ended well, but the edit option is no longer there. I'd hate to not have someone buy a Uniden product just from them seeing the thread title.

I'm sure the title of this thread is not going to stop people from buying a Uniden scanner.


Canadian DB Admin
Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
LedZeppelin said:
My BC246T that was sent in for repair was mis-diagnosed (and was shipped back)
I have to say thank you to the UPMAN, and the repair supervisor. They took the time to look into the situation and get it rectified. I guess there really is still some good customer service remaining out there, where they actually care about the customer.

It's great that you posted the follow-up on this situation. :D
Sounds like a misunderstanding all around. Uniden gets top marks for goodwill.:)


Premium Subscriber
Aug 22, 2004
I just got my BC796D back from Uniden repair and had no problems at all.
My scanner failed to power up after a firmware update. Initially, I had many e-mail communications with a service rep in trying to assist me in getting it working. As all attempts failed, I had to send it back.
I had been able to follow the progress via their online repair status link, and got my scanner back in a timely fashion, working perfectly.


Nov 14, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
Every company has a case of bad service anymore. Some of them all the time, Some rarely. The problem is our own though. We buy for price and functionality not service.

There are a few exceptions though. Hotels, Resturants, Medical Care, etc

Uniden will not be affected by your post. We all side with you and we are EXTREMELY HAPPY to have UPMAN here with us. I would say 99% of those that have bought a quality Uniden product would buy UNIDEN again, no matter what horror stories we read every now and then :)


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
They need a few UPmen over at Motorola. If you thought your ordeal with Uniden was bad at first try calling Motorola some time. It's so horrible it's humorous. You'll start to think you're the butt of some sort of joke.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Well, all I did was forward a link to the thread. Tim, Tony, Shane, Tim (a different Tim) and Lanastasia did all the hard work. Glad it worked out.


Feb 24, 2001
I don't want to light the Radio Shack/Bearcat debate fire by sharing this story with you, but I think it is pertinent. I just had a Pro-93 repaired by Radio Shack's facility in Salt Lake City. I was given their number by calling the main Radio Shack number. I spoke to the radio tech who actually repairs scanners and was on hold less than a minute after the person who answers the number routed me to her. I described the problem and my concerns that if the repair was over about $60-$80 it would not be worth it. He gave me a lot of good information about the likelihood of going over that amount. I know that I would not have received such good service if I had initiated the repair by going to the local store, so that is why I told the person answering the phone at the main RS number that I did not live near a Radio Shack store and wanted to deal with the service center directly.

With ham radios I have found excellent customer service with Yeasu at their service center in southern California, similar to the service I got from Radio Shack. Kenwood, which makes some pretty good radios, does not have as good of service. You have to initiate the repair by sending them an email first. Even for warranty repairs I've ended up ordering the parts and doing the repairs myself because I just wanted to avoid the hassle. The parts cost in the $20 or less range, so it seemed more expedient than going through their process.

I will remember this thread and what people have shared about both Uniden and Radio Shack repairs when I buy the next scanner, along with my consideration of the radio's rebanding, narrowband, and 700 MHz capabilities.
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Nov 14, 2004
Tucson, Arizona
Exsmokey said:
I will remember this thread and what people have shared about both Uniden and Radio Shack repairs when I buy the next scanner, along with my consideration of the radio's rebanding, narrowband, and 700 MHz capabilities.

Don't forget about who you have in your corner both in this thread and on the site in general.

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