I am in the process of building a short but sturdy 25' Rohn 25G tower and this is what I plan to put on top off it. I'll share all of that later in the Pictures forum, but this post is just about what I'm pretty set on doing with the antennas. I just poured the tower base yesterday, so while I'm waiting for it to cure I loosely assembled the antennas in the garage today with the top section on sawhorses. Unfortunately, I will have to take it all apart and rebuild it up in the air once I put this last tower section on.
From left to right, DPD Omni-X, Diamond X-50NA, and Diamond D-130NJ. The mounting assembly for the side antennas is the Radio Shack 1.25" mast that was on clearance recently, all connected with Rohn double bend u-bolts. I also want to hang an inverted vee for 40 and 80 meters off the bottom of the vertical piece supporting the DPD. It's a little over 30" from each tower leg to each adjacent side antenna mast.
I wish the pictures were better but this is the best I could manage in my messy garage.
From left to right, DPD Omni-X, Diamond X-50NA, and Diamond D-130NJ. The mounting assembly for the side antennas is the Radio Shack 1.25" mast that was on clearance recently, all connected with Rohn double bend u-bolts. I also want to hang an inverted vee for 40 and 80 meters off the bottom of the vertical piece supporting the DPD. It's a little over 30" from each tower leg to each adjacent side antenna mast.
I wish the pictures were better but this is the best I could manage in my messy garage.