Napa County began testing P-25 on RED channel, 151.070 this morning. Analog side has a CTCSS of 241.8.
It appears they are checking time delays and offsets.
Hey that’s awesome. Man that reminds me of when Lyon county Nevada in mid 20/20 started testing P-25 on there Tac channel. The testing lasted for about 6 months it was really cool listening to the Tech’s driving all over the county talking P-25. Then in late 20/20 they went full-time Popa-25 on there channel’s. So with Napa testing they could be P-25 this year if we our lucky
So after doing a little Facebook counter/surveillance Napa Sheriff’s is all outfitted with Motorola APX7000 VHF/7/800 so they are ready to transition into P-25. Now Sonoma County sheriff has a mix of Harris XL200-P’s and Motorola XTS5000s. So they can probably go P-25 anytime. Frank KG6NLW probably knows there radios better as he probably has lol.