Hi what freqs are used for patroling the lakes around nashville area? Been looking but dont seem to hear any.Does TWRA do it or local Police.Who does the water recues and what freqs do they use? Thanks : )
Hi what freqs are used for patroling the lakes around nashville area? Been looking but dont seem to hear any.Does TWRA do it or local Police.Who does the water recues and what freqs do they use? Thanks : )
159.3 is the Nashville area TWRA frequency. It's P25 digital so your scanner has to be a digital one. I should say yes, TWRA handles all lake patrols. Looking for dangerous boating, license checks, etc.
During Memorial Day Weekind I heard a public service message announced over marine ch 16 while out on J Percy Priest lake, but reception was poor so I didn't understand it.