Aelopez, the Eversource systems in Bristol, Plymouth county are UHF conventional DMR. There are just two TGs, and if you don't mind hearing both, just program it in as the single frequency, set to DMR and the color code. If you want to filter one specific user, then go through the steps above.
A great start for you to see who is on with the commercial utilities, is the Scan New England utility page. Being a big fan of the monitoring, and listening to them regularly, I have a lot of this down as to who is where.
National Grid uses a LTR system, that has the Passport technology unfortunately, so it can't be track trunked. And because it is LTR, you'll get the databursts hanging up the channel. The good thing with the LTR PassPort is during quieter times, most of the radio traffic is on the home/regitsration channel. (See the wiki).
Also don't forget in Southeastern Mass, you have multiple municipal utilities as well. Middleboro uses a single frequency CAP+ trunk for MG&E, Taunton is VHF simplex conventional (although they JUST licensed a repeater), Mansfield is UHF conventional analog, North Attleboro is low band UHF conventional analog. Hingham is P25 conventional.