NATO Psyops, 10125 and 10404 kHz, USB

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Jun 18, 2010
Mojave Desert, California, USA
A couple of videos of some of the NATO Psyops activity associated with the Libyan effort. The presumed source of these transmissions are from EC-130J Commando Solo aircraft. Although both of these videos happen to be on 10125 kHz another active frequency is 10404 kHz. Other frequencies that have been used include 6877, 9376, and 10405 kHz, mostly in USB. Transmissions generally start at the top and bottom of the hours (example 1100 and 1130 UTC). Transmission generally consist of three repeats of the same message.

The message contains changes periodically, sometimes the entire message is changed, sometimes only a portion of it.

First video is one complete cycle, this would be repeated three times in most time slots.
YouTube - ‪NATO Psychological Operations (PsyOps) transmission, Libya, 10125 kHz, USB, June 26, 2011, 1400 UTC‬‏

Second video is a partial cycle, the video was actually done just to show the jamming that is sometimes found with these transmissions. It is assumed the jamming is originating from Libya.
YouTube - ‪NATO PsyOps transmission being jammed, Libya, 10125 kHz, USB, June 29, 2011, 1232 UTC‬‏

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