Can Any One Help Me On Livonia Michigan They Are Hard To Receive We Are Only 6 Miles From Them And They Are Very Weak.even When Im Standing In There Citythe Tg Shows Up And Goes Away,i Can Not Lock In On The Hold.
Can Any One Help Me On Livonia Michigan They Are Hard To Receive We Are Only 6 Miles From Them And They Are Very Weak.even When Im Standing In There Citythe Tg Shows Up And Goes Away,i Can Not Lock In On The Hold.
I live at 10 Mile and Orchard lake and i get them fine, im able to lock on too. When im at my Brothers house in Walled lake i also get them fine. It may be your scanner.
Can Any One Help Me On Livonia Michigan They Are Hard To Receive We Are Only 6 Miles From Them And They Are Very Weak.even When Im Standing In There Citythe Tg Shows Up And Goes Away,i Can Not Lock In On The Hold.
My first guess based on what you have said, is that you don't have the frequencies in the right slots. EDACS systems require the frequencies to be in specific order by LCN (Logical Channel Number).
If you're using a Pro-96/2096, make sure you start the frequencies from the 01 position in the bank you're using for them. I don't have any experience with the 396/996 so I couldn't begin to tell you how to program them into those scanners.
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