Need reason on whether to keep/sale 996XT

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Jun 12, 2009
TX - but often anywhere USA
This is my second Uniden product, the first, was the 396T that I purchased back in Dec 2008 and sold by Mar 2009 out of frustration. Flash forward Mar 2010, I decide to go with the 996XT thinking that the GPS ability would perhaps make this scanner a little more user friendly; as I drive all over the continental USA, so programming the banks for a particular city are/were not a requirement for me.
Well, to make a unexcitable story short, I attempted to work out this scanner on 4 different occasions, and found it to be a difficult scanner period. To understand it's programming or even to use the GPS feature requires a couple of days in a scanner seminar. I then decide to just mount it in my radio console and just look at it for a couple of months. I did just that and in May 10 packed it back into the original box and put away in storage where it remains. Now I'm considering the Home Patrol, but wait, more than two people have told me to go with the GRE line of scanners instead(???). Before I place into the classifieds, is there a person/place that offers training on the 996XT scanner in the Dallas TX metro area? Or sale it?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
You might want to ask in the Texas forum (and whatever Texas related Yahoo groups there are for scanning - there are a few, I know..) whether there are any HP1 users there, and inform yourself about the various HP1 related threads on this forum. That's probably the only way you can decide, short of buying one yourself, whether the HP1 is the right radio for you. Reportedly it's enter your zip code and go - depending on whether the database has been set up properly (and right now, that is still evolving to a certain extent).

The 996XT and the GRE digitals are scanners that take time to understand how to use. We have FAQs and the Easier to Read guides linked, but the bottom line is that you need to make the investment in terms of time and study to use these scanners. They are not 'plug n play' radios anymore....73 Mike


Jul 21, 2002
This is my second Uniden product, the first, was the 396T that I purchased back in Dec 2008 and sold by Mar 2009 out of frustration. Flash forward Mar 2010, I decide to go with the 996XT thinking that the GPS ability would perhaps make this scanner a little more user friendly; as I drive all over the continental USA, so programming the banks for a particular city are/were not a requirement for me.
Well, to make a unexcitable story short, I attempted to work out this scanner on 4 different occasions, and found it to be a difficult scanner period. To understand it's programming or even to use the GPS feature requires a couple of days in a scanner seminar. I then decide to just mount it in my radio console and just look at it for a couple of months. I did just that and in May 10 packed it back into the original box and put away in storage where it remains. Now I'm considering the Home Patrol, but wait, more than two people have told me to go with the GRE line of scanners instead(???). Before I place into the classifieds, is there a person/place that offers training on the 996XT scanner in the Dallas TX metro area? Or sale it?

Easier to Read 996XT Manual


Jun 25, 2009
Collierville, TN 38017
I had a Uniden scanner, don't remember the model, I think it was a 95 something or other. Never got it programmed to my liking. Purchased the GRE PSR700 a couple of months ago and very happy with it Programmed it with several manual frequencies as well as using the rr database. Our immediate community uses an LTR Passport system. I programmed in the home frequency for police and fire and I am able to pick up a lot of the traffic. I am using a telescopic antenna that I bought a couple of years ago from scanner master for 29.95. Again I don't know any particulars about it any more. But I get good reception in the house from communities as far as 30 miles away. It is also one of the best weather radios I've had. Much happier with the GRE than I ever was with the Uniden. I'm pretty green and don't have a lot of time to put into the learning curve, but I enjoy listening.


Jun 12, 2009
TX - but often anywhere USA
First, thank you Emeritus
2nd, To Trunker, I kinda expected someone to reply with a non reply: anyhow for your information, I had read the 396T and the 996XT so called manuals and not only are they confusing but are basically useless and do not adequately explain many functions. Most of Unidens 3/996XT manual contents are just vague descriptions; As I stated before, one needs a scanner seminar to get any idea on how to navigate this device or at the minimum some type of hands on demo. For $550, should have come with a much better written manual.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 10, 2010
Victoria B.C. Canada
First, thank you Emeritus
2nd, To Trunker, I kinda expected someone to reply with a non reply: anyhow for your information, I had read the 396T and the 996XT so called manuals and not only are they confusing but are basically useless and do not adequately explain many functions. Most of Unidens 3/996XT manual contents are just vague descriptions; As I stated before, one needs a scanner seminar to get any idea on how to navigate this device or at the minimum some type of hands on demo. For $550, should have come with a much better written manual.

Did you not see the link he provided to an easier to read version of the manual. It's been re-written and you should at least take a look at it. I agree that the CD manual is next to useless, but why not follow the link provided by Trunker and see what you think?

Frankly your best bet would be to get Freescan and run it from your computer. The interface is much easier to understand and I find it indespensible for setting up and using my XT347T. Give it a try at least, would be my suggestion.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
First, thank you Emeritus
2nd, To Trunker, I kinda expected someone to reply with a non reply: anyhow for your information, I had read the 396T and the 996XT so called manuals and not only are they confusing but are basically useless and do not adequately explain many functions. Most of Unidens 3/996XT manual contents are just vague descriptions; As I stated before, one needs a scanner seminar to get any idea on how to navigate this device or at the minimum some type of hands on demo. For $550, should have come with a much better written manual.

Well, I might behoove you to actually click on the link that trunker provided as it is not a link to any Uniden site or wiki. It is actually a link to his "Easier to Read 996XT Manual" website. Which again has no connection to Uniden the company.
Feel free to give his site a chance. A lot consider them good reference guides.
My personal opinion is that the GRE radios have the same learning curve (if not more so) so if you are having trouble with the XT line of radios going to a GRE/Radio Shack will give you the same level of frustration.
Perhaps the HomePatrol-1 is right up your alley. :)
Happy Monitoring
Marshall KE4ZNR


Nov 26, 2005
What is needed

The more easy to read manual is better than Uniden's information, but I see it as just the introduction to a manual that can be used. The easy to read manual provides a top view of how the 996XT looks at its data. That is needed, but is far from being enough. The next step, for someone who understands the radio, is to provide a series of how-to-do-it chapters. Chapters might be:
1. Programing NBFM channels when you know their frequencies.
1A. Organizing sets of NBFM channels (such as Police, Fire, Medical . . .
1B. Selecting just the sets of NBFM channels desired
2. Programing P25 networks when you know their CCs

. . . and so forth. Each chapter should have detail with an explanation about why
Here is a chance to be of great help. 73, Mac2
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