A radiosonde sdr type receiver is now running in Las Vegas. This link should indicate the location:
Las Vegas local radiosonde receiver
The local National Weather service facility has lately been doing at least one launch a day. But way more fun, lately the military bases have also been launching balloons. I have documented them on this page:
nevada radiosondes
I'm just logging the NTTR launches. The column at the side of each flight indicates the frequency used.
The Las Vegas launches are regular enough that they are on the database website.
Las Vegas radiosonde database
For a home database feeder most people use this program:
radiosone auto
For home use and on the road, you can convert a LoraWan board into a tracker:
ttgo board
Las Vegas local radiosonde receiver
The local National Weather service facility has lately been doing at least one launch a day. But way more fun, lately the military bases have also been launching balloons. I have documented them on this page:
nevada radiosondes
I'm just logging the NTTR launches. The column at the side of each flight indicates the frequency used.
The Las Vegas launches are regular enough that they are on the database website.
Las Vegas radiosonde database
For a home database feeder most people use this program:
radiosone auto
For home use and on the road, you can convert a LoraWan board into a tracker:
ttgo board