On May 10, 2010, the 9-1-1 center in Clark County, WA will transition to a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system.
The computer system is changing for 9-1-1 Dispatchers and public safety responders; however, 9-1-1 callers should not notice a difference in service. "9-1-1 services aren't changing – just a main tool used to do it," states Keith Flewelling, CRESA Technical & Support Division Manager.
"Our number one goal is to transition systems seamlessly with no impact to public safety,"
May 10th begins the final phase in this Computer Aided Dispatch replacement project. The project commenced in November 2006, when CRESA's governing board approved the plan and budget to replace the current CAD system which has been in use for 18 years.
The current CAD system replacement is driven by the need for a more robust public safety CAD system to meet customer agencies, 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers needs, and to interface with the many other software products used by CRESA's public safety partners.
CRESA prepared a request for proposal (RFP) containing over 2,500 functional specifications for the new CAD system. The budget for the CAD replacement is $3,463,000. CRESA expects the final project cost to come in approximately $350,000 under budget due to elimination of project components not deemed absolutely necessary for 9-1-1 or field operations. This replacement project is funded through the local 9-1-1 excise tax.
The computer system is changing for 9-1-1 Dispatchers and public safety responders; however, 9-1-1 callers should not notice a difference in service. "9-1-1 services aren't changing – just a main tool used to do it," states Keith Flewelling, CRESA Technical & Support Division Manager.
"Our number one goal is to transition systems seamlessly with no impact to public safety,"
May 10th begins the final phase in this Computer Aided Dispatch replacement project. The project commenced in November 2006, when CRESA's governing board approved the plan and budget to replace the current CAD system which has been in use for 18 years.
The current CAD system replacement is driven by the need for a more robust public safety CAD system to meet customer agencies, 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers needs, and to interface with the many other software products used by CRESA's public safety partners.
CRESA prepared a request for proposal (RFP) containing over 2,500 functional specifications for the new CAD system. The budget for the CAD replacement is $3,463,000. CRESA expects the final project cost to come in approximately $350,000 under budget due to elimination of project components not deemed absolutely necessary for 9-1-1 or field operations. This replacement project is funded through the local 9-1-1 excise tax.