New Franklin PD

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Feb 14, 2006
New Franklin PD, formally Franklin Twp. PD, will be switching to the MERC, Digital Akron system soon..
The local Motorola shop is in the process of programming their radios, approx. 14 to go.


Feb 14, 2006
Time will tell. Springfield Twp. P.D. changed talkgroups after they were on the system. I feel that New Franklin will dispatch themselves and basically remain the same except for being on a digital system.


OH DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Akron, OH
I'd have to agree with that. Franklin has never wanted anyone else to dispatch for them. The only reason they are moving is because Green is forcing all of South Summit to move.

On a side note, I do know that of the FD's dispatched by Green, Green will be the first to go. Every one else is making them go first because Green is making them spend $$ to move. Lakemore has already said they will be last. So, I'd guess the order will be: Green, Coventry Twp, Springfield Twp, Lakemore.

I'm not holding my breath for any of these. When TriCom was testing back in March, Coventry was saying their radios were off being programmed and they hoped to be up by the end of the quarter.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Kent , Ohio
I had heard that Summit County (which has jurisdiction over townships) was requiring townships to switch to the Akron/Summit digital radio system .. which, in turn has prompted such cities as Green to upgrade to the digital network, since they are the dispatching agency for Fire / EMS in Springfield, Coventry / Lakemore townships.
I do not believe the City of Green was responsible for requiring the upgrade.

Whatever the reason , it only makes sense to have one safety radio network for emergency services, if you are a believer in regionalism.


Retired and playing radio whenever I want.
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Lead Database Admin
Sep 22, 2002
KWs said:
I had heard that Summit County (which has jurisdiction over townships) was requiring townships to switch to the Akron/Summit digital radio system .. which, in turn has prompted such cities as Green to upgrade to the digital network, since they are the dispatching agency for Fire / EMS in Springfield, Coventry / Lakemore townships.

Actually, under Ohio law the county (or a city) does not have a lot of jurisdiction over townships; other than "paper townships" formed by a city, townships are independent government entities, with their own elected officials (trustees and a clerk). The exception is when a township drops below a certain size and has the resources but is failing to provide basic services to the residents and businesses within it; in this case the county commissioners can dissolve the township and incorporate it into an adjacent township (unless that law has been rescinded).

As such, the county cannot force township departments to do much of anything. If they are dispatched by the SO and wish to continue being dispatched by the SO then certainly, they can be told "change over or else." However, if they choose to go it alone with their own dispatching there is absolutely nothing in the law that would force them to utilize a particular radio system. They could even use CB, shoud they choose (and be insane enough) to do so. I expect what happened is that they were told "change over if you want us to keep dispatching for you. Our old radio system is going bye-bye next year."

The same is true (even more so) for cities. Green could have continued to maintain their own system and there isn't anything the county can do about it; what probably happened there is Green decided the interoperability and cost saving benefits of changing over to the county system outweighed the benefits of keeping their own system.

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