854.0375 has been added to the channel queue for MSP Mt Tom, Site 18. Since it is the primary voice channel, if you don't use CC only you will need to add it.
You beat me to it Chris. Just caught that. This has taken the place of 858.7875 as the primary "go to" frequency off the Voice Channel 860.7875. I wonder if this is an "add" or takes the place of 852.2625 which I never heard activity on!?!?
The switch was sometime around 9am. They said on B-PTL-1 that the 800 was out of service so I suspect more work was done than adding the one channel.
852.2625 would have been eliminated in the first part of rebanding (if it was even in use then). I have never seen it active on Unitrunker/TRUNK88 monitoring of the system over several years.