I live in Ottawa County Michigan. Public safety uses Project 25 Phase 1. I really want to purchase a BCD536HP but I am confused about simulcast issues. Will this radio be alright or will I be setting myself up for disappointment?
I know you will get more definitive answers here. And hopefully you will hear from some folks in your area who will give you their experiences with their own 536 units and the particular system that you want to monitor. Most folks are going to tell you that for simulcast, the SDS100 and 200 are the units designed to mitigate the effects of simulcast as much as is currently possible on any non-commercial, hobbyist type scanner radio.
I've used the 536 here in NYC and did not experience the severity of simulcast issues that some here speak about. Perhaps my modest antenna configuration lessened the number of simultaneous signals hitting my radio. The 536 is now a backup to my SDS200.
If you are planning to use the 536 primarily for base operation, then you might consider spending the extra bucks for the SDS200. I know some say the 536 has a better size and shape for the mobile mounting as opposed to the 200. Of course, if you have an offer to purchase a 536 used, then only you can decide if the difference in price is justified.
If the plan is to alternate the use of the 536 from base to mobile on a regular basis, another option would be the SDS100, the handheld sibling to the 200.
I guess it really comes down to how you plan using the receiver, but the consensus here is that to avoid silmulcast issues as much as possible, be it at home of on the road, the SDS series is worth the extra bucks.
I know I did little to help answer your question, and I think the best option is, as I mentioned earlier, to look for folks in your area with the 536 who regularly monitor the system you are interested in, and get their impressions.