2m/70cm Antenna
For something that is not too expensive and that performs well I would suggest examining the MFJ product line. I am looking at page 48 of their 2006 catalog and several items they have might meet your requirements. One of my outside antennas is the MFJ 7 (MFJ-1768)seven element 144/440 Yagi which performs very well for me, is lightweight and only $79.95. It gives you seven elements on UHF and four on VHF. If you combine this with a lightweight TV rotor you can easily move it in any direction you desire and stay inside on those cold winter mornings enjoying those distant radio signals. It makes a great scanner antenna also.
If you want just unity gain and for less money try the MFJ-1754 which is a dual band ground plane for $29.95.
As for an inexpensive mobile you might look at the MFJ-1724B which is a dual band magnetic mobile antenna which is only 19 inches tall and comes for the low price of $16.95. I have used two of these over the years. If someone steals it off
your vehicle you are not out much money.
Hope this helps you.