Just put the selective call on knob position 1 and the monitor on knob position 2...
Kinda defeats the purpose. lol. In the monitor position, I wouldn't be able to hear dispatches. And in the selective call position, I wouldn't be able to hear fireground.
NOPE one or the other per knob
So, I've come to find that this is incorrect. Because when I monitor local PD, the Dispatch channel stays silent unless the two-tone pair received. Exactly how I'd PREFER it to work with Firegound
In summary:
PRIORITY: DISPATCH TG. My town Sub-group Selected. Alternatives UNselected
NON-PRIORITY: PD TG. My town Sub-group selected(even though it is useless.) Alternatives SELECTED. ( If I don't choose the sub group, this automatically unchecks ).
Works as intended. PD monitors, but if a call comes in that has the two-tone pair, it activates
PRIORITY: DISPATCH TG. My town Sub-group Selected. Alternatives UNselected.
NON-PRIORITY: FIREGROUND. My town Sub-group selected (Pointless, but as before if I dont do this, Alternatives revert to unchecked.). Alternatives checked.
Does NOT work as intended. Hear all fireground communications as I should. But also hear EVERY other town getting dispatched. That dispatch channel just doesn't stay shut unless the two-tone pair received, as it DOES do when I'm listening to PD.
Something is off. . . Probably with my understanding, but I'm hoping to rectify. I have to program a ton of pagers soon, and would prefer to give a knob position where Fireground can be monitored without sacrificing the pager activation.