Wiki Admin Emeritus
From Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK on the UDXF reflector
Hi - Chris, W3HFU, has developed multi-channel decoders for ALE. He offers a free preview of Black Cat ALE on his webpage:
Black Cat ALE
I was glad to have tested the ALE beast over the last weeks. For me it is a paradigm shift in all aspects of ALE monitoring - performance, decoding quality and handling. Some of my logs in the last days - AFAD, COTHEN and DoS - were the results of unattended decoding many channels in parallel.
A more detailed blog entry with my experiences and giving some hints will duly follow.
I will add this to our wiki presently.....Mike
Hi - Chris, W3HFU, has developed multi-channel decoders for ALE. He offers a free preview of Black Cat ALE on his webpage:
Black Cat ALE
I was glad to have tested the ALE beast over the last weeks. For me it is a paradigm shift in all aspects of ALE monitoring - performance, decoding quality and handling. Some of my logs in the last days - AFAD, COTHEN and DoS - were the results of unattended decoding many channels in parallel.
A more detailed blog entry with my experiences and giving some hints will duly follow.
I will add this to our wiki presently.....Mike