scan lists
congrats on your new purchase of the scanner.
You will love it as soon as you jump over the huge learning curve. The curve is very steep!
I see you are a pre. member. Forget all that old style of programing the scanner by hand. If you do be sure to have plenty of drinks and patience.. you will need both.
First think about what you want to listen to.
next where it is.
build your scan list first and write it down on paper. Allows you to have a good road map. Goto google maps and print out your locations of you scan lists. Tada you have everything you need at your fingers. You can then move counties, cities, PD, FD, and anything else around using the scan lists. The old way of entering stuff into banks is long gone and I am glad now that the learning curve is over with. Just think about it the easy way and you should be fine. Work smarter not harder is what I always say.
As you download the items from
you will just have to look at what scanlist you are loading the information into.
If worst comes to worst just send me a private message and I can build the file for you and email it back.
Sounds like your scanner is working since it is picking up the NWS.
Happy scanning,