felicia said:Im Looking To By A New Scanner Does Antone No What Is The Newest One That Is Out Know.
felicia said:What About A Pro 164
pogbobo said:its the exact same scanner as the GRE PSR-300 ... it just has radioshack labels on it and some different color buttons ...
As pogbobo said, it's the exact same scanner (minus the accessories at RS).felicia said:does radioshack have anything like the gre psr300.
pogbobo said:the Radio Shack Pro-164 IS the GRE PRS-300 ... only cosmetic differences ....
gre made the pro164 for radioshack, they made it look a little different and put some radioshack logos on it ......
felicia said:sorry gre prs 500
the radio shack pro433 is a wonderful one i am getting one but i must ask what kind dou wantfelicia said:Im Looking To By A New Scanner Does Antone No What Is The Newest One That Is Out Know.