I finally pulled the trigger and bought a SDS200. It has solved my Somerset county 700MHz Phase 2 problem decoding most of the time marginal signals between Watchung and Bridgewater being on the south-facing hill.
I noticed that some P2 systems the audio is louder and a bit distorted than others. South Orange Police dispatch is muffled. I can now decode Middlesex county that my 325P2 would not but they can be clear but loud. Other P2 systems like NJICS and Somerset P2 sound fine. I believe there is a way to adjust the audio gain for a particular system, TG, etc?
I'm currently doing zipcode scanning with a 1-2mi range and have yet to attempt programming. I use Freescan for my 325P2 but might try the Unident Sentinal software. How do you organize your systems? Do you create one big scan list or break things up into individual scanlists and organize that way?
Anyone using the 700MHz DPD base antenna or their VHF/UHF omni base antenna? I have a brand new discone never but I read at the 700/800MHz frequencies the discone patter starts to go skyward.
I think the SDS200 is the best scanner I've ever owned. Considering the SDS100 but I've read it's performance isn't as good as the 200. Need to update the 200 to the latest firmware.
I finally pulled the trigger and bought a SDS200. It has solved my Somerset county 700MHz Phase 2 problem decoding most of the time marginal signals between Watchung and Bridgewater being on the south-facing hill.
I noticed that some P2 systems the audio is louder and a bit distorted than others. South Orange Police dispatch is muffled. I can now decode Middlesex county that my 325P2 would not but they can be clear but loud. Other P2 systems like NJICS and Somerset P2 sound fine. I believe there is a way to adjust the audio gain for a particular system, TG, etc?
I'm currently doing zipcode scanning with a 1-2mi range and have yet to attempt programming. I use Freescan for my 325P2 but might try the Unident Sentinal software. How do you organize your systems? Do you create one big scan list or break things up into individual scanlists and organize that way?
Anyone using the 700MHz DPD base antenna or their VHF/UHF omni base antenna? I have a brand new discone never but I read at the 700/800MHz frequencies the discone patter starts to go skyward.
I think the SDS200 is the best scanner I've ever owned. Considering the SDS100 but I've read it's performance isn't as good as the 200. Need to update the 200 to the latest firmware.
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