newsalan said:ISP is going to white cars. District 45 troopers were talking on Safe-T about the new cars, there are 30 of them sitting somewhere ready to be put into service. Radios will be installed in about 30 days, and they were saying the laptop computers were not working yet.
So I figure soon they will be off low band.
newsalan said:ISP is going to white cars. District 45 troopers were talking on Safe-T about the new cars, there are 30 of them sitting somewhere ready to be put into service. Radios will be installed in about 30 days, and they were saying the laptop computers were not working yet.
So I figure soon they will be off low band.
bigbluemsp said:I have a pic of the new cars but it's not white. Its black with blue decals.
Freqed said:Be thankfull you don't have to deal with these type of LE Cars!
Comes from a company like this.
kokomo1 said:That is so wrong.It is even worse than the new light bars which are 1 to 2 inches thick.
increase night-time officer safety -- without adding emergency lighting ...
GTO_04 said:Thanks for the pics bigbluemsp. Where did you find that? I read somewhere else they were going to white cars but after seeing this, that does not appear to be the case.
Dist 51(Pendleton) cars still have the low band radios in them. They actually used low band last week when they had trouble establishing radio contact with one of the troopers.
Go-24 said:At least those cars still light up - this graphics company is advocating the use of no lights.
bigbluemsp said:Only fools buy emergency lights from Galls.
Trust me if you need lights I can get you a far better deal...
I know people that are Fed Sig, Whelen, Tomar, CODE3 dealers that sell it cheaper then Galls.
I don't buy much from Galls cause I also sell duty gear so I don't pay the high mark up that Galls charges.
GTO_04 said:Galls does seem a little high priced! I was amazed to see how bright the Whelen Talon LED flashers are. LED lighting has come a long way.
Back in the 80s the Indiana State Police had the dome rotators like Michigan had. Not exactly the same brand but similar in principle.
Go-24 said:I get so ticked off when some unmarked or for that matter marked car comes sailing past me like I wasnt even moving without their emergency lights on.
bigbluemsp said:I travel back and forth to Louisville Ky all the time and I take the 465. The cops all seem to drive slow on the loop. I am always one of the few people to pass them. My buddy at IPD told me not to worry about getting stopped for anything under 10 over so I run 10 over all the time there. I always wave when I pass and so far all the cops I've passed in Indy have smiled and waved back.