After about 25 years or more of being out of the hobby, I decided to get back into it. It's obviously changed since I had my Bearcat Portable...
After looking around on the Internet, I choose to purchase a Whistler 1065. I figured I can familiarize myself with landscape at a reasonable price.
I've loaded up some Systems off RadioReference and loaded those into Scanlists organized by Police, Fire, Etc. based on the talkgroup descriptions. I may be mistaken by some of the descriptions. I'm getting LightRail chatter on what I thought were Fire TG's...
Is there a place where I can research the database entries in a little more detail? I'd kind of like to fine tune my lists. I live in Minneapolis, and I'm using Win500, which isn't necessarily intuitive.
After looking around on the Internet, I choose to purchase a Whistler 1065. I figured I can familiarize myself with landscape at a reasonable price.
I've loaded up some Systems off RadioReference and loaded those into Scanlists organized by Police, Fire, Etc. based on the talkgroup descriptions. I may be mistaken by some of the descriptions. I'm getting LightRail chatter on what I thought were Fire TG's...
Is there a place where I can research the database entries in a little more detail? I'd kind of like to fine tune my lists. I live in Minneapolis, and I'm using Win500, which isn't necessarily intuitive.