New to scanning.

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Apr 12, 2007
Houma, Louisiana
Hello everyone. I'm new to scanning as the thread title suggested. After looking around on this forum I ordered a Uniden bdc396t as a do everything/figure out how it's done scanner.

This site and the Wiki reference site have helped me understand some basics and realize just how much I still don't know. I wanted to say hello and thank you all for the knowledge captured here, hopefully I'll figure out what most of it means eventually. I found a copy of "Scanners And Secret Frequencies" by Henry Eisenson at my local book shop, the title seemed a little over the top but it has turned out to be a decent beginners guide and explains the very basic meat and potatoes RF principals I have been lacking.

If there are any other websites or books that will help me wrap my head around the mystery that is RF and the art of scanning please let me know. Just trying to sponge up as much info before my scanner arrives next week so hopefully I can get off and running.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I would imagine that book would be pretty dated; many things have changed, particularly in the Federal world, over the last couple of years. There are dedicated mailing lists for such things - if you would be a bit more specific as to what your interests are, I've no doubt folks will chime in with places to check out.

I'm sure you've come across these already, but if you haven't, consider these must reads anything in blue is a link;

- Paul Optiz's article on the new DMA scanners called 'Scanner Programming: Man-Machine Interface'
- The easier to read 396 guide website (I understand the owners manual is pretty much whale dung :.>>)
- If you get ARC396 and become a premium subscriber, you will be able to download data directly from the database. Or perhaps even better, jump onto one of the Yahoo groups for your area, as well as our Texas forum, and see if someone has a .mem file they can send you. Sometimes that's helpful when you're just getting started. There's also a dedicated Yahoo group for the 396 where a file might be had.

With the exception of the subscriber link above, most of what I've mentioned is available on our BCD396T wiki article

- Our Wiki article with links on Trunking - concentrate on the basics and FAQs. Then read up on the types of systems in your area (use the database). Become familiar with what talkgroups and frequencies are used. Begin to plot out how you want your scanner set up. Take your time - there's a lot of information to absorb.

73s Mike
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Apr 12, 2007
Houma, Louisiana
I guess keeping track of local goings on via Ems/Fire, PD, and other agency communications is my primary interest. I often see a bunch of emergency vehicles going somewhere in a rush and wonder what's going down, only to come home and log on the local paper and news websites and find nothing. Watching the news just makes me grumpy with how poorly people treat each other and the thinly veiled agendas of the given media source, not to mention the mind numbing commercials.

I think scanning the airwaves and learning about the science and tech behind scanners and radios is interesting and might be a good way to increase my awareness of the world around me. I am somewhat intimidated by all the technical knowledge I lack, but am finding satisfaction in learning something new. I know the Eisenson book is out of date but it seems to still have some valuable lessons I can pickup on. Thanks for the links and references.



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Nov 20, 2004
Hi Neb, welcome aboard! May I ask why you are in to the Nebberator? Just wondering.



Mar 12, 2004
Nebuchadnezzar said:
I guess keeping track of local goings on via Ems/Fire, PD, and other agency communications is my primary interest.

A quick look at your area in our database shows Williamson County has a Motorola Type II trunking system and 5 counties around Austin have a huge very complicated digital system. You ought to post your intro. in our Texas forum to find people who can advise you about those systems.
Apr 12, 2007
Houma, Louisiana
DickH said:
A quick look at your area in our database shows Williamson County has a Motorola Type II trunking system and 5 counties around Austin have a huge very complicated digital system. You ought to post your intro. in our Texas forum to find people who can advise you about those systems.

That's what prompted me to jump in the deep end with the bcd396. Once I get the scanner and figure out where I need help the Texas forum will be my first stop.

As much as I would like to say I chose this name because Neduchandnezzar the II was a great leader who build the famous hanging gardens for his homesick wife. There is too much controversy in the middle east, and widely varying opinions about his life and deeds coupled with the current unrest I'll claim ignorance and say I stole it from the Matrix.
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