Within the past few weeks a new tower has been constructed alongside the old tower at
Division Three Headquarters on State Route 613; 2.25 miles west of Appomattox, just north of Route 460 on State Route 613. Last week the gin pole was still on the top and
dishes and cable spools were staged at the base. The new tower appears to be the same height as the old one. The old tower is FAA white/orange the new one is galvanized.
Division Three Headquarters on State Route 613; 2.25 miles west of Appomattox, just north of Route 460 on State Route 613. Last week the gin pole was still on the top and
dishes and cable spools were staged at the base. The new tower appears to be the same height as the old one. The old tower is FAA white/orange the new one is galvanized.