I live approx five miles from the city limits of Middletown (to the North), so my two cents on this....
I monitor the MARCS-IP Butler County simulcast site daily, as well as the MARCS-IP Montgomery County simulcast and a MARCS-IP Preble County multicast (stand-alone) site....
I have a Uniden SDS-100, two Uniden BCD436HPs, a Whistler TRX-1 and a Unication G5 that I monitor these systems with, almost daily....
If one is going to monitor various entities across either of these simulcast systems; the SDS series is, without a doubt, the best thing going, hands down. My SDS-100 trucks along every day with no hiccups. The Unication G5 does the same, however, but is somewhat limited as to how many entities one can monitor in a listening session....
The two Uniden BCD436HPs I have, performance-wise lack considerably, along with the TRX-1, when monitoring any of the simulcast sites. Too much broken traffic to make the monitoring sessions enjoyable. When I use them for monitoring the stand-alone multicast sites though, they really shine.... even my older RS Pro-106 does the trick, and still has plenty of use in it....
What I have basically come down to is this.... I use my SDS-100 and Unication G5 for exclusive monitoring of the surrounding simulcast sites; and, I use my BCD436HPs and TRX-1 for the one multicast site I monitor, DMR and other various conventional stuff (ie general listening, sleuthing, etc)...
With that said, I consider myself far from being a fanboy of any of the receivers I use.... they all have various weaknesses and strengths, some more than others. It is up to the user to find out how to use them accordingly. As in other facets of life, I am a firm believer in using the correct tool for the job.....
Hope this helps,