NHSP Apco-25?

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Jun 8, 2007
Northwood, NH
I did a search, looked around the various threads and I cannot seem to locate an answer to my question so here goes an easy one.
The New Hampshire Dept of Safety New Hampshire State Police is transmitting all digital Apco -25. Does anyone know if they are scrambling the signal?
If not, one of the new Digital units should be able to recieve their trans correct?
I am looking at the BC 996 - Hell of a unit.
Thanks in advance for any info!


Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
NHSP is all P25 digital on VHF.

YES you can hear them on a 996T or any other P25-capable scanner. Most of NHSP's traffic is in the clear on P25 and some of it is DES-OFB encrypted. I've been listening to NHSP since I started scanning back in the late 70's where I listened to the old VHF Lo-band system. I've been listening to NHSP on VHF on digital since January 2003 when I was among the first in the state to get the (then) new Uniden BC250D handheld scanner...the first P25-capable scanner. The BC250D is a piece o' crap compared to the latest stuff but I still have this scanner. Back then I simply HAD to be the first to have it in order to listen to Nashua PD on the city's 800MHz Motorola trunked system.

The 996T scanner will display "ENC" whenever encrypted traffic is detected. The scanner will still stop on the transmissions but the audio heard will be garbled up and sound like a bunch of loud squeaks, screeches, and squawks. You'll definitely know when encryption is being used because it's loud and VERY obnoxious sounding.

A friend of mine has a 996T scanner and loves it. We both also have the 396T portable. I also have RadioShack Pro-96 and love it.

There is a part of the NHSP system in the northern part of the state that's still analog. It's a low-powered UHF link between mountaintop sites on 462.450 and 467.450. I think it forms the backbone for the Troop F sites on 152.630. It seems a little strange that the UHF link would be on the 462.45/467.45 pair because this is normally a UHF business freq pair. It's not a public safety freq pair but still freqs for Part 90 radio services. I first became aware of it in my early days of scanning back in the late 70's, so I know it's been in use for a LONG time. You might be able to hear this link if you're in a high spot in the northern part of the state.

Bottom line is YES, you CAN hear NHSP on a 996T.

Good luck.
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Jun 8, 2007
Northwood, NH
Thanks for the all good info Dave!
I live up a ways north or you in Northwood.
Right now I have a BC895XLT and can only tune into the Rockingham county dispatch, local fire etc.
And I get some talk from the State Prison in Concord as well.
Hopefully if I get the new BC 996 I will be able to pick up Troop A two towns over in Epping. ( I put up a roof top RS antenna )
Considering I am a bit of a Greenhorn in the Scanner purchasing dept, would you know of an online retailer that has a good reputation?
I am not necessarily looking for the best price, just a new unit with some customer support if she fry’s when I turn it on.
It seems that in N.H. there are no walk-in retail stores for BC.
I was looking at “Scanner Master” online there site lists them out of MA.
Thanks again,


Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
I'm familiar with Northwood NH along US route 4. I went to UNH in Durham back in the 80's. I grew up in Hanover and now live in Nashua. I frequently hang out with friends in White River Jct. (Town of Hartford), VT on the weekends, so I get around the state a lot.

Troop A actually transmits from Blue Job Mountain in the Farmington area. No wonder they put out a gangbuster signal on 45.30 on the old lowband system. They may have other sites too (Saddleback Mtn in Deerfield) but I'm not sure.

As for online retailers, check out Grove Enterprises (www.grove-ent.com). That's who I bought my BC250D from. I later bought my 396T from them too. Grove is also the publisher of Monitoring Times magazine.

As for walk-in Uniden dealers, check out Ham Radio Outlet, in Salem NH.

Scanner Master is based out of MA, that's why the MA address.

Also BTW, always keep an ear on the NHSP car to car freq, 159.315. It's referred to simply as "Talk". It's also what's used by the NHSP "bear in the air" that used to be on 45.18 years ago on the old lowband system. All traffic I've heard on 159.315 has been P25 digital (no analog ever heard).


Apr 20, 2005
California, PA
n1das said:
The 996T scanner will display "ENC" whenever encrypted traffic is detected. The scanner will still stop on the transmissions but the audio heard will be garbled up and sound like a bunch of loud squeaks, screeches, and squawks. You'll definitely know when encryption is being used because it's loud and VERY obnoxious sounding.

It seems a little different from my 396; all ENC traffic makes those distorted noises you describe, but only for about a second or two, then it goes silent.

That said, I do agree about it being loud and obnoxious...


Jun 8, 2007
Northwood, NH
Thanks again for the info Dave, I just returned home from the Ham Radio Outlet in Salem $529.00 poorer :)
I have my face buried in the manual. The first issue is no software to be found. I registered at the Uniden website and looked for software on their site.
Nothing is listed for the 996 model. Considering the amount of freqs I will be using I probably could get away entering them manually anyway.


Jun 8, 2007
Northwood, NH
I need to slow down when reading. I glanced by the software on the Uniden site thinking it was another Firmware update. Speaking of the Firmware update I downloaded that along with the Uniden Software and both installed fine. I put a group together on the PC consiting of every NHSP troop in the state as well as the Rockingham Sher dept. The group transferred flawlesly to the 996. Every Troop comes in with four-five strength bars as clear as someone standing speaking right next to you. Sheriff dept is comming in at the same strength. Later on I am going to add Seacoast fire and Concord PD. The Antenna on my roof is several years old, by looking at it I believe it is a Scantenna model. Very pleased with this unit.


Feb 17, 2003
Nashua, NH
n1das said:
Troop A actually transmits from Blue Job Mountain in the Farmington area. No wonder they put out a gangbuster signal on 45.30 on the old lowband system. They may have other sites too (Saddleback Mtn in Deerfield) but I'm not sure.

I stand corrected...Troop A transmits from Saddleback Mountain in Deerfield NH.

Here's a list for NHSP found online:

New Hampshire Department of Safety
Division of State Police


Ch-## Frequency Name Repeater location

Ch-01 151.400 Troop - A Saddleback
Ch-02 154.935 Troop - B Pack-Saddleback
Ch-03 154.665 Troop - C Hyland-Sunapee
Ch-04 156.210 Troop - D - HQ Kearsarge
Ch-05 151.325 Troop - E Whitter
Ch-06 151.325 Troop - E Attitash
Ch-07 151.325 Troop - E Belknap
Ch-08 152.630 Troop - F Cannon
Ch-09 152.630 Troop - F Holden
Ch-10 152.630 Troop - F Moose
Ch-11 152.630 Troop - F Tenny
Ch-12 152.630 Troop - F Mt Washington
Ch-13 155.910 LP-North Local Police - Troop Back Up
Ch-14 156.090 LP-South Local Police - Troop Back Up
Ch-15 155.475 Statewide Car to Car
Ch-16 159.315 Talk - 01 Talkaround/Aircraft

Re: ENC on 396T and 996T...I believe my 396T also mutes after a brief squawk of traffic heard. I think the 396T acts like the 996T. I haven't listened to NHSP on the 396T long enough to know for sure and I've only briefly played around with a friend's 996T. My RadioShack Pro-96 scanner doesn't mute P25 ENC traffic at all...I hear all the screeches and squawks while NHSP is transmitting encrypted traffic and it get annoying real fast.
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