Nice DPS system coverage to the north...

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Aug 10, 2007
Bethany, OK
I hadn't previously headed north with a scanner, so I'm trying to figure out just what was going on yesterday. Either band conditions were phenomenal, or the engineers designed Site 8 to have some rowdy coverage to the north, or a whole lot of people in Guthrie or Stillwater were affiliated with some odd things yesterday... (I'm not sure just which sites I was hearing, the way the scanner is installed in my truck makes it difficult to read the CC frequency while moving down the highway.)

I took a trip to Newkirk, and found I was listening to Site 8 TGs with ease (and excellent signal strength) clear up to Perry! Had it just been OHP I'd have gone with the affiliation angle, but I was hearing Edmond, MWC, Moore and even Del City. Even north of Perry I was able to hear them on the hilltops. Not much past 412, but still occasionally clear up to Newkirk.

Occasionally heard a couple of Tulsa TGs as well, although they weren't nearly as interesting. Mostly it was just "TulEquipFuel" whatever that's for - eventually had to lock it out, just seemed like a constant dead carrier.

Also heard a few transmissions on "TEST1" and "TEST3" while at my jobsite (the casino just south of the border / well north of Newkirk) - is a new site going in somewhere way north? The signal strength wasn't great, but considerably better than anything else I could identify. Never saw any other TGIDs while up there, otherwise I'd guess Stillwater is the closest site to there.

Going the other way today - to Tishomingo, just noticed a site is listed there. Don't remember hearing it last time I went there, but I also don't remember if I had the scanner on after I left I-35. Have to see what I find today...


Dec 19, 2002
norman, ok
I was in Pauls Valley last weekend and I searched for any signals from the Arbuckle mountain site (Davis)
on 860.4875 etc etc and didn't hear a thing out of that site. If it was up I should have heard a control channel.


Aug 10, 2007
Bethany, OK
Tishomingo site was up - the control channel was 860.9375, and it was a solid full scale. Heard precious little on it though, just heard the Chickasaw Tribal PD make a couple of transmissions. They were quite busy on the other systems on the way down. Searched through the other CCs while in Tishomingo and was able to get a weak copy on 859.2375, I assume from Ada (closest site with that CC anyway).

I thought I had figured out how to see the CC frequency on the way down, but turns out it was just giving me the first one in the list... *sigh* So not too sure which systems I was hearing things on as I went down. But my route - I-35 to Hwy 7, through Sulphur, then Hwy 1 down to Tishomingo - had almost uninterrupted coverage the whole way. Just a short stretch along Hwy 1 where I didn't get any signal.

Heard a few Tulsa TGs again for some reason, plenty of the tribal police (first time I've really noticed P25, sounds better than Dstar, but sure did give a fine example yet again that analog FM will degrade far more gracefully than digital in noisy locations) and even heard Troop F some.

Was listening to other things on the ride back, so didn't play with the scanner. I'll have to go back in a week or two, so will get to try again.
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