Am waiting for my Phase II scanner to come back from the shop and am wondering what % of the time NJ Transit PD North Patrol is encrypted? Have never programmed them before; wondering if it's worth it?
Am waiting for my Phase II scanner to come back from the shop and am wondering what % of the time NJ Transit PD North Patrol is encrypted? Have never programmed them before; wondering if it's worth it?
I have a work issued APX6000 with NJ Transit's North Patrol channel programmed into it for interoperability since we work so closely with them. I can tell you that since they went encrypted years ago we can no longer hear them. We solely use SPEN to contact them if not the phone.
Last year, I was hearing them unencrypted about 50% of the time (normally the dispatch side only). However, lately haven't heard a peep on their TG. I still keep their TG programmed in just in case.
Last year, I was hearing them unencrypted about 50% of the time (normally the dispatch side only). However, lately haven't heard a peep on their TG. I still keep their TG programmed in just in case.
They are basically all "E" these days. There may be 1 or 2 stragglers that have not yet got their radios strapped to be fulltime encrypted, but it will happen.