Hay, its time for another antenna in the roof of my jeep, but I cant find my hole saw designed for antennas. Anyone in PDX have one I can use for about 30 seconds?
Hay, its time for another antenna in the roof of my jeep, but I cant find my hole saw designed for antennas. Anyone in PDX have one I can use for about 30 seconds?
*lol* I know about hey being for horses...ahhhhh i did it again!
I was thinking about a regular hole saw, but the one I had was made by Antennx and had a "lip" on it. It was designed to stop after cutting the roof and not cut into the the headliner. If I remember it was in the $40 range. I'm almost thinking I left in my friends truck after I installed his radio...that means its still in Las Vegas. Time for another road trip!!!
Or, go buy a 3/4" metal hole saw and then put a zip tie around the outside about 1/8" below the teeth. Same idea, cheaper. That being said, I own an NMO hole saw - unfortunately nowhere near you.
It's good to know that Home Depot is now selling radio install tools. I'll check on the price of a new IFR.
Ryan, I have the coorect hole saw if you want to use it. I'm in Woodburn if you want to run down here, if not I should be in Portland this next weekend.
It's good to know that Home Depot is now selling radio install tools. I'll check on the price of a new IFR.
Ryan, I have the coorect hole saw if you want to use it. I'm in Woodburn if you want to run down here, if not I should be in Portland this next weekend.