Here's the story. I had the RS discone antenna up using rg-58u cable. It was a 50 ft. run of cable. I wasn't able to receive many of the freqs. that I wanted to hear. Reception in the 470 mhz and 800 mhz bands were just fair. A bad winter storm blew down the mast and antenna so I went out and bought the same antenna. This time I bought some LMR-400 cable and put it up in the same location. The difference in 470 mhz reception was like night and day. The stations that barely were making it through the squelch before were now coming in like stations just a city over. There is no doubt that the new cable was the reason. But, now, for some reason, I have absolutely no 800 mhz reception. It is like the coax isn't even connected to the scanner. I have to use the rubber duckie to hear 800 mhz now. Does anyone have an idea what might be happening here?