Why does the state of California, in all of its infinite wisdom pay to have 2 systems for CalTrans? I see that most of NorCal CalTrans in the RR DB have a 800 Mhz. repeater system, but I have seen that they still use the VHF-Lo. This is true for Modoc County, I belive Siskiyou, Lassen and Shasta. Why are they still operating on the Lo? I have scanned all the 800 Mhz. channels for Modoc & Siskiyou and havnt heard anything. I do hear lots on the VHF-Lo. Why would the state pay so much money in keeping 2 systems for one organization operational. I belive I have one idea why the dont switch, Coverage, but here in Modoc Co. I count 12 repeaters on the 800 Sys. Whats up with that?? Just asking Thanks Ya'll. HAPPY HOLIDAYS