I started another thread awhile ago looking for others who may be from Northern Ontario and it kinda got off track and so it was locked. The object of my thread was to see who might be on here from Northern Ontario. We are a huge district and I was curious to see how many of us up here listen to Coms. I know I am being bias to others i.e. Southern Ontario but I already know there are a ton of listeners down there, I am most interested in Zone 4 listeners and even zone 3 listeners because they are pretty close to us.
I am from Zone 4, about 350kms north east of Thunder Bay. I am asking this question because I would like to see our database increase with info. I have submitted some info about our zone and would love to know if anyone else has more info. If you do not like to post, PM me the info and I will post it. Please, if you do not mind lets keep this thread on topic, I do not want it locked up. It is nice seeing people from the north who enjoy my hobby.
I am from Zone 4, about 350kms north east of Thunder Bay. I am asking this question because I would like to see our database increase with info. I have submitted some info about our zone and would love to know if anyone else has more info. If you do not like to post, PM me the info and I will post it. Please, if you do not mind lets keep this thread on topic, I do not want it locked up. It is nice seeing people from the north who enjoy my hobby.