The standard in most Upstate NY counties is NYSP and local Law agencies are dispatched by the county 911 center on the county TGs or Frequencies used by all agencies.
I'm just adding some historical background the relationship of NYSP Dispatch and County Dispatch. When I moved up here in the late 80's, all areas without local PD's were patrolled by both the Sheriff Deputies and the NYSP Troopers. NYSP dispatched calls on their zone channel and the SO used their county frequency. Citizens would call the agency of their choice. There was no coordination, so you might have a 15 minute wait for a trooper to respond to you call when there was actually an SO deputy 2 minutes away. When cellular 911 was developed the NYSP station was the answering point, which made little sense as they only could dispatch troopers, and had to relay calls for EMS, FD, and local PD's. The need for coordination was eventually recognized, but our local sheriff refused to allow the NYSP to operate on the SO dispatch channel. The work around for this was polling troopers on the 155.37 interagency channel, but coverage in our county of hills and valleys was not great.
Fast forward to present day with all 911 calls going to the County Emergency Services Communications Center and that center polling SO and NYSP cars on the Sheriff channel to determine the closest unit to the call. Communications coordination has certainly come a long way in the past 30 years.
I should note that the NYSP Troop C Zone 2 Binghamton Station dispatch channel 155.655/154.95 is still active. Troopers use it to notify dispatch when they respond to calls from the 911 Center, as well as for motor vehicle stops, for incidents handled by the NYSP, and other general issues. Also, citizens can call the NYSP directly and these calls are dispatched by the NYSP. As mentioned by others, the NYSP car to car channel 154.665 is also active.
It will be interesting to see whether the NYSP in Broome will operate on talkgroups in addition to the Sheriff Dispatch talkgroup on the new Broome Sites of the CNYICC