phil_smith said:After all the talk about the infamous Oakhurst "rescue van", here she is in all her glory
peterjmag said:Ummm probably because it is the most disgusting place in Oklahoma
Chaos703 said:I can tell by your statement that you've never visited Kinta, Oklahoma.
Actually, for as bad as Kinta is, it's still not as bad as Oakhurst. Have you considered that they're not very good at fighting fires in Oakhurst because saving those structures isn't worth breaking a sweat over?
mfolta1 said:could you just imagine an "oakhurst" police dept?? heh,,,
Twobravo said:There is an eVideo on right now about Berryhill wanting to annex in the Oakhurst area. Berryhill claims they are a paid department with a manned station and that they are a certified first response agency.
Oakhurst says that Berryhill wants to shut them down and that they already got slapped in the face when Sapulpa annexed in Town West. The news says it's going up to a vote of the people soon.
phil_smith said:the intellegent citizens of Oakhurst