Hmm! Interesting! I am using a new radio wherein I am looking at all displayed talkgroups for both the West and North NextGen sites and filling in what pops up according to the RR database. So far, have found two unencrypted that do not seem to exist in the database: decimal 131 and decimal 2998.
Other than those, I see a lot of encrypted talk groups that are either unlisted or I just haven't bothered to label (I emphasize the unencrypted, of course, in labeling efforts).
This radio works really well for this! This is the P25RX I mentioned to you.
Sounds like I need to spend some time labeling the encrypted talk groups to weed out the unlisted outliers. Maybe a new OCS Cars channel that may indeed be encrypted exists now.
Update: I just checked the logs and I see that the "normal" Oceanside PD Cars (decimal 2412) was labeled by me at some point recently which means I did "hear" it unencrypted at some point within the last week or so. On the other hand, looking through today's logs which go back to just before 6AM, I see no use of OCS PD Cars OR CBD PD Tac 1 (which, as I recall, was what CBD PD used in a similar way Oceanside used their Cars channel). In fact, I don't recall hearing much tac traffic on either of those agencies recently. There may, indeed, be a general systemwide switch to using encrypted tac and car-to-car channels at least for LE. I really need to label all of those logged encrypted talk groups.