Hello All.....
I'm getting close to "being able" to retire. I'll have my thirty years in in October.....Now I may NOT leave then, but, I'd like to hear from any Amateurs out there....
I have my General ticket. I've had it for a little over a year now. I got my Tech way back when Morse Code was required in the early 80's....
However, I never have taken the plunge to get myself a decent HF rig. I've got a great 2M/440 Yeasu VX-6 and a Yeasu 2M/440 rig in my truck.
So, I'm asking, what would be a decent, reasonably priced HF radio for someone starting out in the General Class that doesn't have a ton of $$$$ to spend? I've been around radios my whole adult life as far as public safety goes, but, not too many Amateur rigs (other than the 2M stuff we use locally)...
Any replies are greatly appreciated! Since I'm IN Ohio, I put this here. I suppose that someone may straighten me out over where it should be....
I'm getting close to "being able" to retire. I'll have my thirty years in in October.....Now I may NOT leave then, but, I'd like to hear from any Amateurs out there....
I have my General ticket. I've had it for a little over a year now. I got my Tech way back when Morse Code was required in the early 80's....
However, I never have taken the plunge to get myself a decent HF rig. I've got a great 2M/440 Yeasu VX-6 and a Yeasu 2M/440 rig in my truck.
So, I'm asking, what would be a decent, reasonably priced HF radio for someone starting out in the General Class that doesn't have a ton of $$$$ to spend? I've been around radios my whole adult life as far as public safety goes, but, not too many Amateur rigs (other than the 2M stuff we use locally)...
Any replies are greatly appreciated! Since I'm IN Ohio, I put this here. I suppose that someone may straighten me out over where it should be....