ok gotta question???

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Jun 23, 2006
i have been wanting to ask this question for many moons so here it goes....apco 25 or (p-25) is this a digital system or is it simply a conventional system transmitting digital voice.I have heard so many different point of views on this subjest figured i would leave it to yu guys to decifer the right answer ...thanks


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
It can be either. If a trunked system or conventional frequency has APCO 25 listed next to it in the database, then it uses digital voice in at least some of it's transmissions. It could be any of the following:

Conventional Mobile, Base, Repeater channel with mix of analog and P25 digital voice.
Conventional Mobile, Base, Repeater channel with full time P25 digital voice.
Trunked Motorola System with an analog control channel, with a mix of analog and P25 digital voice.
Trunked System with a P25 digital control channel, and full time P25 digital voice.

You will typically never find an EDACS system with P25 digital voice, although if a particular agency with deep enough pockets demanded P25 digital voice instead of ProVoice digital, I guess anything is possible.

APCO P25 overall is more than just a designation for Digital Voice though. It aims to provide "seamless" interoperability between all public safety first responders. P25 digital voice is just an integral part of being P25 compliant.

Now get ready to go hunting, because this thread will probably get moved to a topic-specific forum, since it really doesn't pertain to Texas in particular. Hope I helped you out a little though.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
rattlerbb01 said:
...Now get ready to go hunting, because this thread will probably get moved to a topic-specific forum, since it really doesn't pertain to Texas in particular. Hope I helped you out a little though.
Nah, I don't think so. Clearly he is concerned with the DPS move to P25.

Rattler explained it pretty well; however, the problem is you are mixing your terms up.
  • The term system can be applied to any type of radio system.
  • The types of radio systems (in general) are Trunking and Conventional.
  • The types of modulation (in general) are Analog and Digital.
Hence, when comparing things, compare apples to apples; in this instance trunking vs conventional or analog vs digital. What can be confusing is that P25 is applied to both system type and system modulation (voice). So when you hear/see P25 applied, try and figure out which the person is referring to, or ask for clarification. As a system type, P25 is trunking (as in a Project 25 TRS); as a modulation type, P25 is just P25 CAI digital.

In the above P25/Project 25 = APCO-25 for all intents.


Mar 1, 2005
Following this thread and re-reading ot daily. I'm still so confused that I'm thankful I've been able to get my Pro-96 to monitor Austin with good results.
Monitoring DPS has far less hits, to say the least.

Lou's tireless work is vastly appreciated but I'm either under-eqquipped in brains or radios to make full use of it.
Same for rattlerbb01. (I'm glad someone knows whats going on...)

Hey, I recall when USB ment Upper Side Band and that was high tech... I guess that's why scanning is a hobby with me and my living is made in the analog electronics world.

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