Yes.Thanks Mike. Without trying to sound too ignorant by "HT" are you refering to Handheld?
Radio Shack sells ham radios?????? When did that startI would advise you to do what I did ? Buy an HT either from Radio Shack or see whats on ebay. I hung around on 2mtrs. I bought a speaker mic and external antenna. Using an Ht as a mobile the main advantage to me was security. The HT you can take with you and you don't have to worry about theft. Some come as big as as a pack of cigarettes!
Yes HT means handheld. Larry Radio Shack does sell does sell a limited selection of Ham radio stuff. The best I can remember they have Ht 2 mtr. and 440 mhz. plus they also had a 2 mtr mobile. What they have now I'm not sure. I sway towards HT's because I have had a number of a radio's stolen over time. All mobile rigs so I stick to the H.T's, of course except for base stations.