Simmer down and be civil....
It's much more likely that some discrete components (could be resistors, old caps that have dried out, DC regulators that are weak etc.) are on their way out. It isn't just a matter of 'being tuned'. It takes a good deal of expertise to go through a receiver end to end and see what needs to be fixed.
It might be worth emailing Kenwood to see how much they would charge to fix the R5000 - then again, it's been out of production for so long that it's not inconceivable that assuming they would agree to fix it, they would charge an arm and a leg to do it. As for the FRG9600- that radio really wasn't designed for the US market (even though it was sold here...), so I have my doubts about Yaesu even thinking about fixing that old klunker
The R7000 is a receiver that scans, not a scanner. It's well known for it's very slow scan rate, and there are mods out there to improve that, don't expect miracles. If you want to find those mods, look at places like (and I'm sure there are lots of other places where this is laid out).
Sad to say, that's the price you pay for older receivers. Service ain't what it used to be
One possibility - and this is, admittedly, an outside shot - is to post questions on the Yahoo groups for these radios. Depending on how active they are (not all groups for old radios are all that active...) someone might be able to point you to someone who specializes in handling these radios. But expect it to cost...some well structured searches with your favorite search engine might also prove enlightening. You could then cross ref these with opinions from eHam and the appropriate Yahoo groups to see if they're reputable. Do some homework!
73 Mike