Onondaga Fire

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Central New York
Another query on dispatching....just remembered. Does anyone know the deal on the "box numbers" Onondaga Co. uses when dispatching fire calls? I've known they've done it for years now but didn't remember to ask before. Just in case...example:

Baldwinsville - chimney fire, (location), box 1301

That may not be accurate but I'm sure if you listen there you'll know what I'm referring to. Is that coding like the new EMS codes or something? I'm use to the old box numbers of the gamewell system that actually designate a location and an actual alarm "pull".

Appreciate any replies....AE


Dec 19, 2002
I'd bet they do it like a couple of the counties where I 'play'. Where I am, each district is divided into boxes. These boxes are essentially grid squares on the map. It's a quick and dirty way of locating streets and differentiating between similar-sounding street names.

There could be a Lyndon Road in box 218 and a Linden Ave in box 392.

We have map books that have the entire district and the boxes they're divided into, and then a detailed page in the book for each box.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Central New York

6m171 said:
I'd bet they do it like a couple of the counties where I 'play'. Where I am, each district is divided into boxes. These boxes are essentially grid squares on the map. It's a quick and dirty way of locating streets and differentiating between similar-sounding street names.

There could be a Lyndon Road in box 218 and a Linden Ave in box 392.

We have map books that have the entire district and the boxes they're divided into, and then a detailed page in the book for each box.

That's a good tip. That would definitely make sense. The way they use it doesn't really seem to match the variety of calls. Now they aren't my home area but I can pick them up easily and I do go there a lot so I don't know exactly what/how they do it but it does seem as though they use the same "box number" for a lot of different calls. You may be on to something there. A point to ponder while I await further replies. Thanks!


Some districts have very few boxes - a "master" number for any call in the district, and additional boxes for mutual aid.

Box numbers in some cities represent defunct operational divisions. For example, Rochester doesn't give box numbers over the air, but the first digit of the Gamewell numbers indicate one of four battalions. The city only has three battalions now, but the numbers are the same. Troy's box numbers are based on the apparatus response flow. Some numbers include old companies that no longer exist. I'm sure this situation exists in other places, too.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 27, 2006
Central New York
DaveNF2G said:
Some districts have very few boxes - a "master" number for any call in the district, and additional boxes for mutual aid.

Box numbers in some cities represent defunct operational divisions. For example, Rochester doesn't give box numbers over the air, but the first digit of the Gamewell numbers indicate one of four battalions. The city only has three battalions now, but the numbers are the same. Troy's box numbers are based on the apparatus response flow. Some numbers include old companies that no longer exist. I'm sure this situation exists in other places, too.

Thanks Dave. Like I said, being used to the old actual "Box numbers", it seems to me they would have another system of codes in place etc. The other reply indicating a possible location-grid relation would make the most sense if you're talking about the direct use of the word box. So picky aren't we?


Aug 23, 2002
One of the cities I use to work in took out the street boxes about 10 years ago. On a few of the alarms (businesses/high rises) some of the other guys still give out the "box" numbers and everyone knows where they are. Still neat to hear.
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