I have an original Pi 3B here at the house that I wanted to press into service to play around with on OP25. I live less than 5 miles from one of the biggest TX sites here in North Jersey for our statewide 700MHz interop system.
This picture seems to show that I've got the thing set up correctly, but when I put a set of headphones on the device, the audio is only giving me 'burps & blurbs' of words. If the fact that I only have it on a 2A power supply a possible issue? Is the Pi 3B not powerful enough? I followed the 'OP25 For Dummies' blog to set my unit up, and it seems to have went as good as John said it should have (I did get CMAKE warnings during that stage of the compile, and I get warnings that the PLL on my RTL-SDR v3 isn't locked.
Any other great locations for follow-up info so I can read up more on how to make this work better?
I have an original Pi 3B here at the house that I wanted to press into service to play around with on OP25. I live less than 5 miles from one of the biggest TX sites here in North Jersey for our statewide 700MHz interop system.
This picture seems to show that I've got the thing set up correctly, but when I put a set of headphones on the device, the audio is only giving me 'burps & blurbs' of words. If the fact that I only have it on a 2A power supply a possible issue? Is the Pi 3B not powerful enough? I followed the 'OP25 For Dummies' blog to set my unit up, and it seems to have went as good as John said it should have (I did get CMAKE warnings during that stage of the compile, and I get warnings that the PLL on my RTL-SDR v3 isn't locked.
Any other great locations for follow-up info so I can read up more on how to make this work better?