If it is actual carrier, and not a birdie, you may try to tune to the other side (away from the carrier frequency). For instance, if the interference is on 154.010, and that is the freq you want to monitor, then you can try programming your scanner for 154.015 or 154.005. If your scanner has pre-set band intervals then enter the next interval frequency that it will accept. That way, your scanner may be able to reject the carrier frequency and still accept your desired frequency, depending on which "side" your interference is. If the carrier is centered exactly on the same as your desired frequency, then you are out of luck. Chances are that the interfenence may be coming from an electronic device which is your same room (or close by). Try moving your scanner to other parts of your house and see if the carrier goes away. Some of the older LED clocks were nortorious for throwing out multiple frequencies (and also 2nd & 3rd order harmonics).