Are there any VHF-high band links to 46.16? How does the C/Newburgh and C/Middletown contact Orange 911, or do they have low band or UHF radios in their trucks as well?
There are two fixed VHF high band links to low band that I am aware of. One is Otisville's 154.355, 97.4. It's default setting is to scan between channels 1 (46.160, 123.0) and 10 (45.780, 94.8). It is steerable so that Orange's F2 thru F9 can be monitored as well as Sullivan's F1 thru F5. The other is over the US Military Academy's Project 25 trunked system. That link, over talkgroup 1592, is only active when a radio on the system is selected on that channel.
Middletown uses UHF now and I believe their Chief's use Circleville's link for
Orange 911 but also have low band in the equipment.
While Circleville's link is in their current radio channel plan, Middletown does have their own link over 460.200R, 123.0. This link is also steerable to low band channels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 10.
Glad to see you guys are putting a link up as well. Did you get other departments on to share the cost or are you going at it alone? I know Monroe and Tuxedo are being a bit stubborn making the switch from VHF. Cornwall refuses to leave the low band world.
Woodbury is financing the entire project alone. The success that Highland Falls has had with their migration from low band to UHF has reportedly caused a stir in Cornwall. Change is in the winds.
While I have your ear...I see your systems are going up on Arden. Several months ago a new tower went up on the hill north of Arden. If you come down 17 towards the tolls, it is to the left of Arden between Arden and the Bull Pond mountain tower used by West Point. I can't figure out who put it up. Some say Thruway Authority, others say West Point. It's not you guys right?
I am aware of that tower and have no idea who's it is.
It usually is not the FCC, bu the co-ordinator. Once past the co-ordinator, every time we had anything go before the FCC, it was done in less than 1 week. Possibly, they can't get a frequency for that area on UHF.
Please provide me with any contact information you may use with the Commission. I am not sure what services you've used for coordination, but we used APCO and that phase of the project was the most expidicious (sp?) part. They found reasonable clean frequencies for us and moved the coordination process along for us quite quickly. Our problem rests solely with the FCC. The last action date on our ap was in June. We are now well into September. If you know of someone within the Commission that can move an application in one week, please share. I am running into console construction deadlines and have no equipment to install.
In reference to the County going to UHF, how is this going so far. I know some FD's are using F-2 or F-3 for primary ops now. Thanks.
UHF F2 should not be getting use for primary operations. That is the Emergency Fireground channel. From the agencies that I've spoken to that have made the move to the county standard, all are pleased with it. I can't wait to move my department over.