I noticed on the Orion system that there are a lot of encrypted talk groups. After listening for a few weeks I have only heard one TG in the clear and most of the time I hear the encrypted talkgroups between 10:00PM and 3:00AM which is happening just about every night. So im wondering if the whole system will be encrypted? Here are some talk groups I submitted even though you can't hear anything.
----------------- HEX--------Decimal
1. Radio Techs-----5AA----1450
2. Encrypted--------4D0----1232
3. Encrypted--------4D1----1233
4. Encrypted--------4D3----1235
5. Encrypted--------2C5-----604
6. Encrypted--------579-----1401
7. Encrypted--------57A-----1402
8. Encrypted--------586-----1414
----------------- HEX--------Decimal
1. Radio Techs-----5AA----1450
2. Encrypted--------4D0----1232
3. Encrypted--------4D1----1233
4. Encrypted--------4D3----1235
5. Encrypted--------2C5-----604
6. Encrypted--------579-----1401
7. Encrypted--------57A-----1402
8. Encrypted--------586-----1414
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