There are three different ways.
1. Personality programming, under the System Setup, General tab there is a box at the far right which says "Power Level:" and the default is "MAX" for full rated power. Set this to the power output level you want; "20" for 20 Watts, "45" for 45 Watts, etc. If the tracking data is properly set that is what the radio will transmit out. If not you will still see a reduction in power out.
2. Adjust the tracking data.
3. Mechanical adjustment. Remove the lid from the RF power amp assembly (the back end with the big heat sink) and the inner shield. There is only one adjustable component on the board, usually labeled RV1 and set to a fixed level with some potting compound. Use a small screwdriver and gently turn until it breaks free and then adjust to the level you want. Macom says not to mess with it and it really is not a power adjust but sets the level from the power out sense to the feedback loop. Effectively though it works well to trim the power and we've done it for years without any side effects.