If you're not in range of the repeater 413.6875 like I am, I found by putting the input frequency 418.6875 in you will get good Ornge enroute comm's to the hospital.
I always thought PCOM 150.1 was a channel for this, but it seems like it must be the call out channel and the repeater/input frequencies are for enroute to hospital with patient. Example, patient being transferred from anywhere in Eastern Ontario enroute to Ottawa. Typically, the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus for a trauma type.
Great distance on the UHF side with the repeater input frequency.
I always thought PCOM 150.1 was a channel for this, but it seems like it must be the call out channel and the repeater/input frequencies are for enroute to hospital with patient. Example, patient being transferred from anywhere in Eastern Ontario enroute to Ottawa. Typically, the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus for a trauma type.
Great distance on the UHF side with the repeater input frequency.